In this gripping classic, Cary Grant stars as a dairy farmer whose kindness towards an unmarried woman (Loretta Young) and her son results in betrayal. Malcolm Trevor (Grant) and his wife (Marion Burns) are unable to conceive a child of their own. So when Malcolm's truck accidentally hits Letty's (Young) son (Henry Travers), the couple gladly take the boy into their home to raise as their own. Determined to take advantage of Malcolm's riches, however, Letty tries to blackmail him. In the end, selfless love and charity are celebrated in this heart-warming, well-made classic.
- Medium
- Darsteller
- Cary Grant, Loretta Young, Jackie Kelk, Marion Burns
- Regisseur
- Lowell Sherman
- Sprache
- Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
- Untertitel
- Deutsch, Englisch für Hörgeschädigte, Französisch
- Produktionsjahr
- 1934
- Spieldauer
- ca. 59 Minuten
- Bildformat
- 1,33:1
- Veröffentlichung
- 01.08.2005
- Originaltitel
- Born to Be Bad
- Herstellungsland
- Verpackung
- Keep Case (Amaray)
- Regionalcode
- 2 (Europa)
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