Set of animated adventures based on the manga series by Kouta Hirano featuring the efforts of the secret Royal Order of Protestant Knights as they battle ghouls galore in olde England. 'Impure Souls' has the first three episodes; 'The Undead', 'Club M' and 'Sword Dancer'. The Hellsing Organization protects the mortal world but when artificially spawned vampires appear they are forced to call in their ultimate weapon - the rogue vampire Alucard... 'Blood Brothers' has episodes 4 to 6 of the series. The worst enemy of the night is one of its own. Alucard and the Hellsing Organization face a two-fold challenge: a traitor within starts leaking classified information about the Organization; a TV journalist is about to expose Hellsing's secret mission; and the ruthless Valentine Brothers lead their undead army on a deadly raid against the Hellsing headquarters. 'Search and Destroy' features episodes 7-9: 'Duel', 'Kill House' and 'Red Rose Verligo'.
- Medium
- Regisseur
- Yasunori Urata, Umanosuke Iida
- ab 16 Jahren
- Sprache
- Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0), Japanisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
- Untertitel
- Englisch
- Produktionsjahr
- 2001
- Spieldauer
- ca. 335 Minuten
- DVD Features
- Trailer, Concept Art, Interviews
- Bildformat
- 1.33:1
- Veröffentlichung
- 02.04.2007
- Originaltitel
- Hellsing
- Herstellungsland
- Japan
- Verpackung
- Keep Case (Ámaray)
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