Blending manga, mystery, and action, this popular release stars Light Yagami, a young student who discovers the powerful Death Note, a death-foretelling notebook from a Shinigami god, and decides to use it to for good instead of evil. Soon the detective 'L' is after Light, and two face off in a true battle of the minds.
- Medium
- Regisseur
- Tetsurô Araki
- Sprache
- Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo), Japanisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
- Untertitel
- Englisch
- Produktionsjahr
- 2006
- Spieldauer
- ca. 840 Minuten
- DVD Features
- 68-seitiges Illustration Booklet, Art Gallery, Interviews, Behind the Scenes
- Bildformat
- 1,78:1 (anamorph / 16:9)
- Veröffentlichung
- 28.09.2009
- Originaltitel
- Death Note
- Herstellungsland
- Japan
- Verpackung
- Slim Keep Case
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