Volume #8: "It came to conquer the Earth! The Doom Tree Strikes!" Contains Six Complete Episodes: A knight to Remember, VR Madness, Cherry Blossom Time, Kindergarten Chaos, Much Ado About Babysitting, Rayes Day in the Spotlight. Volume #9: "New Friends and new Enemies! The Return of the Doom Tree" Contains Six Complete Episodes: Food Fetish, Mirror, Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Detention Doldrums, Secret Garden, Treed, Serena Times Two. Volume #10: "An Invader in the House The Trouble with Rini" Contains Six Complete Episodes: The Cosmetics Caper, Sailor Mercury Moving On? Gramps In A Pickles, Trouble Comes Thundering Down, A Charmed Life, A Curried Favor. Volume #11: "Crystal Matrix The Ties that Bind" Contains Six Complete Episodes: Naughty N Nice, Prediction of Doom, Enemies No More, Checkmate, Sibling Rivalry, Rubeus Evens the Score. Volume #12: "Looking for Trouble! The Wrath of Emerald" Contains Six Complete Episodes: Rubeus Strikes Out, The Secret of the Luna Sphere, Emerald Bakes Up Troube, Promises Fulfilled, No Thanks, Nurse Venus, Dog Day for Artemis. Volume #13: "Back to Their Future Time Travelers!" Contains Five Complete Episodes: Smart Payoff, Childs Play, Future Shocked, Legend of the Negamoon, Jealousys Just Rewards. Volume #14: "To Save the Universe Love Conquers All" Contains Five Complete Episodes: Birth of The Wicked Lady, Brotherly Love, Diamond In The Rough, Final Battle, Follow The Leader.
- Medium
- Regisseur
- Kunihiko Ikuhara, Jun'ichi Satô
- Sprache
- Englisch (Dolby Digital)
- Untertitel
- Englisch
- Produktionsjahr
- 1992
- Spieldauer
- ca. 895 Minuten
- Bildformat
- 1,33:1
- Originaltitel
- Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn
- Herstellungsland
- Japan
- Verpackung
- Keep Case (Amaray)
- Regionalcode
- 0 (auf jedem DVD Player abspielbar)
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