In Liliana Cavani's scintillating drama, a concentration camp survivor (Charlotte Rampling) discovers her ex-torturer/lover (Dirk Bogarde) working as a night porter at a hotel in postwar Vienna. When the couple attempt to re-create their sadomasochistic relationship, his former SS comrades begin to stalk them. Operatic and disturbing, The Night Porter deftly examines the cruelty and decadence of Nazi culture.
- Medium
- Darsteller
- Dirk Bogarde, Charlotte Rampling, Philippe Leroy
- Regisseur
- Liliana Cavani
- Sprache
- Italian (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono)
- Untertitel
- Englisch
- Produktionsjahr
- 1974
- Spieldauer
- ca. 118 Minuten
- Bildformat
- 1,85:1
- Veröffentlichung
- 28.03.2000
- Originaltitel
- Il Portiere di notte
- Herstellungsland
- Italien
- Verpackung
- Keep Case (Amaray)
- Regionalcode
- 0 (auf jedem DVD Player abspielbar)
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